Godly 2048


Join the gods, goddesses, and heroes and get to Zeus! Built by @lachlanjc and @tns12.

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How to play: Use your arrow keys (or swipe, if you're on mobile) to move the tiles around the grid. When two tiles with the same god or goddess touch, they merge into an even stronger character!

2: Hermes

Hermes is the god of messengers and travelers — and since the Internet is a messenger, he is also regarded as the Internet's god. We placed him on tile 2 because he is of the youngest Olympians and we felt we should pay homage to the Web with him as the first picture you see.

4: Hephaestus

Hephaestus is the god of fire and smiths. He is often represented with the anvil. He takes tile 4 because even though he is important, he does not control an enormous domain of Greek mythology. Interestingly, Hephaestus had the nickname "Ἀμφιγύεις" which means "the lame one".

8: Ares

Ares is the god of war. He always wanted a good fight and enjoyed killing people because he thought it was fun. Ares is often represented with the chariot. He takes tile 8 because he is not very important on Olympus.

16: Heracles

Heracles started as a mortal in Greece. He was the strongest man in the world. Hera hated him all his life because Zeus and another women, Alcmene, bore him. To show her hatred, she made Heracles insane — and he ate all of his children. To make up for his sins, he was forced to complete twelve famous labors. Heracles take tile 16 because he was not originally an Olympian, yet he is not of no importance.

32: Persephone

Persephone is the goddess of nature. Hades, madly in love, kidnapped her to become queen of the underworld. Her yearly trip to the underworld lasts 6 months in which all beauty disappears and the bitter cold of winter replaces it — but upon return, beauty is restored. Persephone takes tile 32 because she is not that important yet isn't nobody.

64: Aphrodite

Aphrodite is the goddess of love. Aphrodite is often represented with a dove or swan. Greeks believed love to be bad as it draws away people from importance to the need to fulfill desire. Aphrodite takes tile 64 because she was very important to the Greek belief.

128: Hades

Hades is the god of the underworld. He is one of the more important gods — he controls the fate of every mortal's dead soul. He is represented by Cerberus, a vicious multi-headed dog. Hades takes tile 128 because he has quite an important role in Greek mythology, but many gods are more important than him.

256: Athena

Athena is the goddess of wisdom and civilization. She was awkwardly born out of Zeus' head because Zeus swallowed Metis, Athena's mother. Zeus experienced massive headaches until one of the gods cleaved his head and Athena popped out. The city Athens is dedicated to her, as well as the Athena Parthenos. Athena takes tile 256 because she isn't quite as important to Greek mythology as Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus.

512: Poseidon

Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquakes. He always carries a special trident with him. When he is angry, he slams the trident into the ocean floor, and tsunamis erupt. He also uses it to water into Greece. Poseidon takes tile 512 because he is quite powerful but not quite at the top.

1024: Hera

Hera is the queen of Mt. Olympus, and the second most powerful. As the dominant wife of Zeus, she is always seething with anger because of Zeus's many other wives. Hera is represented with the pomegranate and the cow. She also is not a fan of Aphrodite because Paris decided that Aphrodite was the prettiest of the Olympians.

2048: Zeus

Zeus is the king and ruler of the heavens. As one of the sons of Kronos, he was the only one of his generation to not be eaten by his father. He and his siblings eventually started an uprising, and Zeus became the king. As an adult, he became a major polygamist. Because he is the most important Olympian, he is placed on the 2048 tile.